A beginner, choosing Phaser as the game framework!


While I got an opportunity to develop games under Google Summer of Code '17 under Sugar Labs, I looked into many HTML5 and JS frameworks. A curated list of JS frameworks by GitHub can be found here.

To filter them out, the following are the available 2D game frameworks,

Phaser is an open-source JavaScript framework for writing 2D games. It uses Canvas or WebGL if available.

Pixi.js is a rendering library to create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.

Cocos2d-html5 is a cross-platform 2D game engine written in JavaScript, based on Cocos2d-X and licensed under MIT.

And a few more.

I have considered the following points to choose a framework.

1) The framework is OpenSource.
[Most of the chosen ones are!]
2) It has an active community and has an active forum with answers for the frequently asked queries.
3) A well written guide or tutorials to develop games using it.
4) This point has a higher priority for me being a student from Non-CS background. There should be more examples available for me to look at and learn the best practices ( :p ) and develop the games with a good code-quality.
[Phaser fits well through all the above points and have lots of examples and guides to learn with an active community support!]
The points mentioned above did not dwell well into the technical details of the frameworks as I am a beginner to it. I shall once again make a post on the same topic after I get a grasp over the features that are required to develop a game productively.

Until then, its a summer of code using Phaser! :)


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